08 Nov

If you are a new start-up hiring Singaporeans or PR in Singapore, you will need a CPF CSN company account, which is the CSN number CPF SG, to process your monthly CPF submissions.

A CSN, or CPF Submission Number, is issued by the CPF Board to each company that contributes to its employees' CPF accounts. CSN is made up of a company's ACRA-issued Unique Entity Number (UEN) or an individual's NRIC/FIN (if trading under their own name) and a CPF Payment Code.

Your CSN is a one-of-a-kind identifier. Employers use the CSN to communicate with the CPF Board. This includes making CPF payments and requesting information from the employer. A CSN is made up of a Unique Entity Number (UEN) or NRIC/FIN (if you trade under your own name) and a CPF Payment Code.

The CPF Payment Code enables CPF to identify the types of payments made to the CPF Board by employers. This includes contributions to CPF, voluntary contributions, and Medisave, among other things. A different CSN number will be required for each type of payment. A company, for example, may have multiple CSN numbers.

A CSN can be obtained by only two types of entities.
Sole Proprietorship is a UEN registered entity.

If you have not yet registered your company with ACRA, they offer a one-stop solution for you to register your company and apply for a CSN. If you already have a UEN registered entity or are a sole proprietor, you can go straight to the CPF website and apply for a CSN.

You should have the following information ready before applying for CSN.

Your designation

Contact information (eg HP or land line)

Email address

Nature of Business

Office address

Bank details (if you wish to do direct bank deduction)

Pro Tip: Generally, companies use their CSN to communicate with the CPF board about CPF issues. However, the use of a company's CSN number may be required by another government ministry. For example, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) requires companies to have a CSN number before they can hire foreign workers.

Read more for more info - https://www.cpf.gov.sg/employer/faq/making-cpf-contributions/applying-for-a-cpf-submission-number/what-is-cpf-submission-number-csn

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